Saturday, July 24, 2010

Salt* *

Starring Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreibner, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Daniel Olbrychski

Rated PG-13 (for intense sequences of violence and action)

Directed by Phillip Noyce

Written by Kurt Wimmer

* *

"Salt" is an action film, a spy thriller, and not much more.

Jolie plays CIA agent Evelyn Salt, a relatively cold, aggressive character that was originally written for a male role. As she runs from the government, accused of being a Russian spy, the audience is left wondering whether or not she is as innocent as she claims. While Jolie looks a bit out of place as CIA agent-Salt, all blonde bob and boxy suit, she is completely convincing as on-the-run Salt. Her hair is jet black, she kills quickly and without any emotion, and dons all black.

Liev Schriebner is Ted Winter, her closest friend in the CIA and the only one who seems to think she may be innocent. As bodies pile up in her wake, backed by a bleak setting and bleaker characters, Salt seems less a hero or desperate woman on the run trying to prove said innocence, but rather a reckless killer hard to root for.

The film is excessively violent, with a murky plot and Salt completes one unbelievable death defying stunt after another. In one scene, she sits in a cop SUV, knocks out the two officers on either side of her and grabs one of their taser guns to stun the driver. She then repeatedly shocks the driver until he accelerates at top speed smashing several police cars ahead. Then she tasers him to speed in reverse, slamming into more cars behind. Finally, she drives off a bridge into the traffic below. Salt simply climbs out of the totaled SUV and walks away, barely a hair out of place - she is also handcuffed the entire time.

"Salt" may be a wild ride, but it doesn’t live up to its name – it’s neither pungent nor witty. Instead it’s bland and unremarkable.


  1. Thanks, Common. I was planning on seeing Salt but you saved my night! Will you be reviewing any films from the Stony Brook Film Festival?

  2. Haha excessively violent I like that. I think Junior would enjoy this, maybe I will see it when it comes out in dvd because I dislike AJ. I am sorry I missed you sitting in the movie theatre taking notes:).

  3. @anonymous: So glad the review helped. Wasn't planning on reviewing films from the SB Film Festival, but thanks for the tip! And thanks for reading!

    @anabanana0211: I think Junior probably would like it. And FYI I didn't take any notes during "Salt!"
